Setting up hosting
Setting up hosting (for the MMO)
Today I wanted to get my little MMO project hosted. I had to do the following to get it to work:
- Get a static IP for my GCE instance
- DNS Register and point it to my static IP: ie add an A record for -> Static IP
- Generate a cert: sudo certbot certonly –standalone :
- Setup the proxy to be a TLS host with the certbot generated certs. (ie the proxy app is now the TLS termination point for connections)
- Changed the client websocket dialer to skip TLS (bad for production), but I’m only doing that for localhost testing temporarily (New TODO to fix that)
- Notably I decided to not use nginx since I already have my proxy server which does basically the same thing as nginx (as far as what I needed to be done by nginx)
- Loaded the index.html (and related wasm/js code into my firebase deployment)
And it’s alive! If you visit, let me know if you find any bugs! Very experimental